Valentimes is fast apRoaching
Valentimes Sex Advice VSL want's to make sure that our suscribers have the best V-Day. Thats why we hired world renowned sexpecialist...
Feeling Blew
Faithful reader's, There comes a time in every websites' life when the public says all of a sudden "we want more! For VSL, this is that....
Get Jiggy with It!
To: VSL RE: Friendship, etc. I'ts that time of year again. Tragedy strikes VSL as we have to say goodbye of our members who are...
'sno storm!
Would you look at that snow! It's times like these that make me thankful for. Today is a big day for VSL! Here's a fun activity for a...
VSL in The world
Dear frendz, family, lovers, enemys, haterz, and other (orthopedists), Its' an exciting time 2 be in Variety is the spice Of life club....
First Club Meeting
Hey VSL, Hoppppppppe u r all siked 4 r mtg l8r. Here's th'ajenda: 3:59 o'clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time: gather at the gates of...