Feeling Blew
Faithful reader's,
There comes a time in every websites' life when the public says all of a sudden "we want more!
For VSL, this is that.
We are happy to pronounce that VSL has reached a record FOUR SUSCRIBORS! We could never have done it. Thank you!!1!!!!1
Believe me I know exactly what your thinking. "This started out as a local farmstand in my area wo'nt the publicity be bad for the economy in my area?" VSL understands the importans of tourism. We are interested in tourism.
What should you do? Write us! Tell us what you like about tourism. Whats' you're favorite license plate? As the leaves are changing, we was you our reader to reflect.
Shifting gears:
~Todays feature'd recipe~
Brought to you
Grapes in your Area
4 pints of grape's
wash your grapes carefully one by on place them in a basket or clay pot of your choosing please make sure none of the grape's are touching each other then walk around your area and put the grapes on the floor/ground (whichever one is closer) then please take a picture and send to spiceprez45@gmail.com when you run out of grapes you will have a perfectly usable basket or clay pot to take home with you
Love and sonshine