Does the water sound more in a river or when in stream? Daily dose of questions 4u.
Now for a guest “post from your one and only king. A few VSL issues that I feel need addressing.
#1 where did these come from?
#2 why does VSL focus on in your area, and not my area?
#3 who is senior of administration of variety spice club (as one call it) and who do I go to when my life seems out of place or too full of unknowns, is there someone I might “proach?
These are sum of our ideas. When you keep thinking about them, I am thinking about them a lot of the free thinking time I have. Where you might want to go if you have issues with/about/on these issues/questions, you might want to approach spiceprez45.
More further in this, if you are thinking to yourself everyday, “is the VSL administration corrupt?” you can think again.
We look at corruption as a cup of tea that is always half full. Kind of like the Schrodinger’s cat experiment. You might know if you are the cat, but those of us on the outside have a problem knowing the state of the cat, whether all of us inside have already consumed the poison or are just sitting looking at the poison, intrigued with our curiosity, or scared from our fear of what that might b?
So, the king has things that he thinks about that you sometimes might think about and ask yourself, but lets not be microagressive! all in all we are happy leaving schrodinger’s cat in the box and not overadressing. Overaddressing is a big issue here at VSL, and we plan to approach this with as much care and so-called ‘tiptoeing’ as we have in ourselves. Things that are sensitive, we understand about and want our community in your area to proach us with feelings of sensual and happiness sexual. We recommend the song Roses by outkast as a way to think happy about the life you might live and want to live. A jubilee of gaiety and brilliance!!!!
When I was in my early days as a king I felt like things weren’t going the right way.
What I did you should here,
I went to my great-grandfathe’s body (he was cremated so sometimes felt weird about protending that he was real, but really we are all ash yes? We are only really the live versions of our future selfies for the rest of eternity, which is just ash or dirt or maybe skull and bones, take Cathy in Wuth’ hights? Decaying natural phenomenon-my cousin once said, but he was only a little one when he said that, things change and bewarey of it!
On your last note,
You should really look into making communicate with VSL, as we have a lot of new progressives and like such. We have been thinking more about politics and the politics of club going lately, b/c we know people could hold interest in these items.
Don’t forget!!! Plz attend the coronanation of the king myself this cumin Saturday at Mead Chap’ . It is a huge event and it would mean worlds of things to me if all of my supporters thought to “tend.
Design of crown is in progress, but luck we have managed to recruit Pope Franny, (VSL connects) to perform the ceremony. As he is the best ceremonious we could find as of current. He will say a little about current relatons between catholic church and VSL as well, so keep your ears and nose peeled for this sort of information.
Lastly, I am very angry about it, but due to VSL fun dings, we have lack of sufficient fun ding for refreshments at the coronanation. But fortunately Some of our “bread” experiment will for your area and for your satisfaction be provided.
I much look forward to seeing you in this new area, and with an official statur.
Position in life is everything, as I often speak to myself when the door jams on my finger or things as like such.
Be careful out there, there are beings coming into existence that even you can’t see, just keep those senses open and moving.
Condonences, and to my subservience,
With fullest wishes,
King4u and only 4u