When it rain's, its raining
Warm felicitations. Last night, the VSL admenstruation had a pivotal meeting in which we disgust our leadership roles. We arrived at the...
The great!
It is my gr8 pleasure to congartulate Jim Mat (*pseudonym) on his induction to the Ardsley High-School Wall of Fame. Variety is the Spice...
Does the water sound more in a river or when in stream? Daily dose of questions 4u.
Now for a guest “post from your one and only king. A few VSL issues that I feel need addressing. #1 where did these come from? #2 why...
FluoRide You're Dream's To heaven
Welcome!! back Good morning currently. There are a lot of applicants. Don;t forget to be one! As the presidency of the variety IS the...
This just IN!! T8 this VSL for you're satisfaction guaranteed or you're money back!
Valentimes is fast apRoaching
Valentimes Sex Advice VSL want's to make sure that our suscribers have the best V-Day. Thats why we hired world renowned sexpecialist...