Valentimes is fast apRoaching
Valentimes Sex Advice
VSL want's to make sure that our suscribers have the best V-Day. Thats why we hired world renowned sexpecialist Ragina Penix to let our reader's know how to spice up life in HER area ~ the bedroom!
Sex Tipz
For Beginners
Bye Ragina Penix
Plan you'er positions ahead of time.
Cut the foreplay. Huge time waster!
Double bag it!
Eye contact: all or nothing. Studies show that intermittent eye contact is distracting and may or may not lead to sterility in some cases.
Don't use your hands. Hand's are one of the dirtiest parts of yo'ur body. They do not belong in the bed.
Tell your friends! Nobody liked getting interupted; send an itinerary to all your loved ones ahead of time so they dont' distrub you.
Set a time limit and a bed time. Discipline is the bedrock of any healthy sexual relationship.
In the middle of having sex, ask where the relationship is going.
Instead of candles (fire hazard), try standing flashlights around the room.
Turn on the vaccum cleaner in lieu of music to be more spontaneous.
Pre-dial 9-1-1 in case something goes wrong.
Most of all, make sure to journal about the night before you go to bed. These ~precious memories~ are fleeting and will slip away if not promptly documented.
Till next time!